Life Goes On, Even During a Strike - Baltimore musicians survive 21-week strike
Dial 466-1RAT - Baltimore hotline
1988-89 Wage Chart
Negotiating Orchestras Meet
Music Medicine Capsules
Aspen Music Medicine Conference
New Orleans: Blues in the Black - New Orleans Symphony reorganizes
August 1989: Looking Ahead to Aspen - 1989 Conference preview
SF Opera Takes a Stand: musicians design the perfect stand; management builds it (and did they come?)
Pit Players Produce Perfect Pitches - opera orchestra life
Settlement Summaries - Minnesota, New Orleans, Baltimore
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - ICSOM counsel discusses Baltimore strike
Orchestra Players Make Significant Gains at AFM Convention
Black Musicians in the ICSOM Orchestras
Hiring of Rick Robinson Provokes Strong Reactions
Robinson Responds - interview with Detroit musician
Agenda: 1989 ICSOM Conference at Aspen
NEA Appropriations
ICSOM Moves Mountains at Aspen: 1989 Conference Overview
The Arts Under Siege: What to Do? - arts lobbyist speaks
What Your ICSOM Dues Buy
Live-PALRA: Why Should We Care?
Progress Toward a Trade Division: Consultant Recommends Evolution, Not Revolution
Arden House Retreat Successful - Music Assistance Fund
Colorado Symphony Orchestra Formed
Settlement Summaries - Florida Orchestra, San Antonio, Metropolitan Opera, North Carolina, Detroit, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Syracuse
Legislative Action Committee
Calling on Congress - National musician lobbies Congress
What Live-PALRA Means (Legally)
Reach Out and Touch Someone - outreach programs
John Palanchian, Former ICSOM Treasurer, Dies
San Francisco Ballet Orchestra