Senza Sordino: 1986

Volume 24, #3 - February 1986
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Employers May Fail to Remit Money Deducted from Wages
Diet and Drugs Implicated in Hearing Loss
Music Medicine Publications Available to Musicians
Letter - New Orleans musician complains about new music
1985-86 Wage Chart
Chicago Musicians Give Peace Concert
The Performing Arts Labor Relations Amendments
Settlement Summaries - Milwaukee, Oakland

Volume 24, #4 - April 1986
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Medical Survey Becomes a Reality
North Carolina Musicians Start Summer Season
Delegate Structure Vital to ICSOM Delegates
ICSOM: A Review
Minnesota Musicians Work With Joseph Gingold
San Antonio Union Holds Health Fair
Former Senza Sordino Editor Vance Beach Dies

Volume 24, #5 - June 1986
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Fuentealba Convenes Symposium in Chicago - on orchestras, work dues, and locals
1986 ICSOM Conference in Atlanta
Symphony Department Goes Online with Computer Bulletin Board
Houston Musicians Play Challenger Memorial Concert
My First ICSOM Conference - Florence Nelson's experiences as new delegate
Instrument Transportation Committee Examines Airline Policies
The Pittsburgh Symphony and ICSOM
Settlement Summaries - Oklahoma
San Francisco Violinist Retires After Fifty Years
Poetry Corner - a rhyming petition for time off

Volume 24, #6 - August 1986
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The Detroit Symphony and Local 5
Kennedy Center and National Symphony to Affiliate
Conductor Evaluation Forms Can Be Used For Optional Questions
ICSOM Computer Committee Plans Questionnaire
Con Sordino - Chicago musician maintains mute collection
Settlement Summaries - Houston, NYC Opera, North Carolina
Retrospective - Tom Hall's final column

Volume 25, #1 - October 1986
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How Do You Spell Relief? - Fuentealba answers questions at 1986 Conference
What Is Going On In ICSOM
New Officers Chosen at Conference
Chairman's Report
Thank You, Frederick Zenone - for six years as ICSOM chair
Settlement Summaries - Utah, Atlanta, Metropolitan Opera, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Buffalo
Henry Shaw - lauded in 1986 Conference resolution
Chickens, Blood, Swords - symphonies in the pit
Recording Problems

Volume 25, #2 - December 1986
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Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Oakland Symphony Update
Boston: The Inside Story - negotiations
San Diego Philharmonic Formed - after symphony management cancels season
Change in Governing Board - resigning member replaced
Settlement Summaries - Denver, Indianapolis, New Jersey, Boston, Oregon

Phoenix Symphony Orchestra