Senza Sordino: 1968

Volume 6, #2 - January 1968
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San Francisco Out 49 Days: Solid Orchestra Makes Great Gains
Editor, Secretary Apologize - for lateness of issue, other errors
Toronto Gets $50, 12 Weeks: 3 Year Agreement
Increases For Vancouver Symphony
New Projects Broached As ICSOM Board Meets With Kenin, Ballard - strike fund proposed, symphony man on Federation level, right of ratification, committee participation in negotiations, Danielson case, five-day week, steward policy, negotiation seminar

Volume 6, #3 - February 1968
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New York Philharmonic Negotiations ­ Pacesetting Contract
Editor's Report - Scenario for the Future
Dean Dixon Quits Post in Protest - Dixon leaves post of director of the Sydney Symphony as a "gesture on behalf of the welfare of the orchestra."
Treasurer's Report
History of Dallas Negotiations
Congress Considers $17 million - NEA funding
Warning: Beware of Offers - Honolulu Symphony musicians protest misleading ad in International Musician

Volume 6, #4 - April 1968
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American Players in European Orchestras Reveal Conditions
ICSOM Chart - wages and working conditions
Second Gag Attempt in New Haven Musicians' Union
Letter from Vance Beach
New Zealand Orchestra Provides Sabbaticals for Musicians

Volume 6, Supplement - Summer 1968
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Green Light to Conductor Ratings - ICSOM to go ahead with conductor evaluation project
Detroit to Host 1968 ICSOM Meet: Sipser, ICSOM Lawyer, to Attend
Close Links with AFM as Conference Status Approaches
San Francisco Opera Three Year Pact

Volume 7, #1 - October 1968
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ICSOM Strengthens AFM Ties
Baltimore Orchestra Strikes for Pay, Longer Season, Pension
Historical Parallel? - Boston series in Philadelphia, Philly series in Baltimore
Treasurer's Report
Cincinnati Out Four Weeks
Boston to New High, $14,000, Many Gains
ICSOM Selects Labor Lawyer - Sipser retained by ICSOM
Bylaws Amendments
Letters - on nonviolence, collecting dues
Congress OK's $6 Million for Arts
St. Louis to Play Four Weeks
The Ray Still Case
The Bob Danielson Case

Chicago Symphony Orchestra