Senza Sordino: 1975

Volume 13, #3 - February 1975
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Winds of Change: Part 2
San Diego Musicians "Pay" For Poor Management
Secretary's Message
Jack Benny, Violinist, Passes
Kansas City Performs at Leavenworth
Dallas Siege Ends

Volume 13, #4 - April 1975
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ICSOM Executive Board Meets in Chicago
Creation of an Associate Membership in ICSOM for Canadian Orchestras
Bob Jones, Oregon, Plugs Workshop Session
Metropolitan Opera Report - request for help fighting management proposal of 10% cut in salaries
Advocates for the Arts
1974-75 Symphony Wage Chart
Date Set for ICSOM Conference in August
Buffalo Joggers At It Again
Strike Fund Trustees Meet
ERF Gets a Boost
Classical Record Producers Sing a Merry Tune

Volume 13, #5 - June 1975
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The American and European Orchestra: A Comparative Study - Salary, Benefits and Pension, Medical Benefits, Sabbaticals, Everyday Working Conditions, Touring, Ensemble Splitting
Philly Arbitration Threatens Tour
Copyright Reform Tough Sledding Ahead
Conference Time Nears
Met Team Rejects Management Proposal
International Viola Congress to Meet
IRS Alters Audition Expense Position - ruling that audition expenses are deductible whether or not applicant wins

Volume 13, #6 - August 1975
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The American and European Orchestra: A Comparative Study, Part 2 - Audition Procedures, Ethics in Audition Procedure, The Conductor's Role, Civil Service and Performance Standards
Isometrics are Victors - rematch between Cincinnati and Indianapolis musician softball teams
Stressed Musicians - New England Journal of Medicine
A Letter from Yuriko - letter from widow of David Smiley
Government Aid For The Arts / The Dilemma: A Starvation Budget
Form Letter to Senators
Oregon Contract Settled: Growth Continues
Representative Fred Richmond, Hal Davis toAddress ICSOM Parlay

Volume 14, #1 - October 1975
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The ICSOM Conference in Indianapolis - associate membership for Canadian orchestras, Zazofsky, audition procedure survey
Pittsburgh Strikes
HR 8274: The Richmond Bill - provides for income tax checkoffs for arts subsidies
LA Symphony Discards the Penguin Look- LA settles three-year contract
Philly Signs New Contract: Mandatory Retirement Extended to 67
Hal Davis Addresses Conference - AFM president supports Richmond bill
New ICSOM Officers Elected
Kudos to Berns and Best - ICSOM officers resign
Poetry Corner - Ted Dreher on negotiations

Volume 14, #2 - November 1975
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Negotiations Highlighted by Lockouts, Strikes, Turmoil: Detroit Plays Lockout Concert, Met Settlement Deferred Until First of Year
Orchestra Audition Survey
Kansas City Philharmonic on Strike
Death of An Orchestra: New Jersey Signs
From the Editor - Second Violinists and Johann Strauss's 150th birthday (__ paa paa, __ paa paa)
Baltimore Symphony Reaches Agreement
All It Takes Is An Idea and Five Minutes - getting orchestra members to write to their Congressmen

Virginia Symphony Orchestra