Senza Sordino: 1977

Volume 15, #3 - February 1977
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The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra: A Touch of Class
1976-77 Symphony Wage Chart
Lilly Endowment Offers Special Challenge Grant to Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
North Carolina Symphony Rotation System Unique
Hibernation of an Orchestra: New Jersey Symphony Since the Strike
Foster Parents Minnesota Style
A Ferry Tale Seattle Style

Volume 15, #4 - April 1977
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ICSOM: An Investment to Protect
Major Symphony Orchestra Survey: 1952-53
Two Views on Technical Perfection - reprint from Vol. 3 #2
A View of Conducting Technique - Piatigorsky speaks
Conference Date Announced
"Pardon Us" Department - corrections regarding salaries in Syracuse and Berlin
Minnesota Musicians Perform at Inaugural
Cincinnati Symphony Premieres Work by Frank Proto
Birdland Concertgebouw - quote from Herman Kenin
FM Listener Buying Preferences Surveyed
To A Convalescing First Chair Player - poem by Harvey Rudoff, reprinted from the Music Journal, 1963

Volume 15, #5 - June 1977
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Chicago Lyric Opera Signs Three Year Agreement
Cleveland Orchestra Signs
Fire Takes Lives of Six Cincinnati Area Musicians
Conference Plans Announced
Chicago Marathon Figure Tops $400,000
Letter - from member of Israel Philharmonic
Indianapolis Symphony Cellist Loses Arbitration Case
Support for Richmond Bill Gaining Momentum
European Orchestra Update
Irving Segall Resting after Surgery

Volume 15, #6 - August 1977
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Some Sobering Statistics - orchestra salaries and inflation
Honolulu Reports
ICSOM Members Invited to ASOL Convention
Cow Brings More than Strad
Some Thoughts on Arbitration
A Message from the Chairman: Pick Your ICSOM Delegate with Care
Comparison of Orchestra Pension Benefits: Part 1

Volume 16, #1 - October 1977
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Cleveland Revisited: ICSOM's Sixteenth Conference
Segall Reports to ICSOM Delegates
Managers Speak at Conference
Congressman Weiss Urges Legislation Outlawing Mandatory Retirement
Denver Musicians Given Hatchet Job
A Warm Welcome into ICSOM - impressions of new delegate
Skrowaczewski to Leave Minnesota Orchestra
Adrian Gnam Addresses Delegates
Richmond Bill Gains Sponsors

Volume 16, #2 - December 1977
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Metropolitan Opera Settlement Highest Orchestra Increase in Country
The ICSOM Emergency Relief Fund
Cincinnati Signs Three Year Agreement
Milwaukee Agreement Signed
North Carolina Ratifies New Pact
HR 1042 Support Increases
New Two Year Recording Pact Signed
New Three Year Pact in Atlanta
Denver Contract Hangs on "Survival Fund" Success
Senza Sordino Widely Distributed
Comparison of Orchestra Pension Benefits: Part 2
AGMA Strikes NY Philharmonic

Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra