Senza Sordino: 1972

Volume 10, #3 - January 1972
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Who Chooses Our Conductors? The Cleveland Story - Maazel hired over objections of musicians
Chicago Triumphs At Home and Abroad
Report From Milwaukee - orchestra makes Carnegie debut
Welcome to Winnipeg - orchestra joins ICSOM
Settlement in San Antonio - discharged musicians drop suit
Bob Maisel: Secretary of ICSOM

Volume 10, #4 - March 1972
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San Francisco Inks One-Year Pact: 18% Gain Despite Freeze
Stalemate in Baltimore and Indianapolis - orchestras strike
Who Chooses Our Conductors? A Report from Boston - ICSOM evaluations prove effective, Ozawa picked
Nuggets from Montreal - contract clauses
The Editor's Desk - on negotiations, conductor evaluations
Stephen Goble Obituary - Milwaukee musician
Harold Laudenslager Obituary - former ICSOM secretary
Stress and Musicianship - reprint from "Das Orchester"
ICSOM Stalwarts - on Smiley, Shaw, and Weaver

Volume 10, #5 - April 1972
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Two Year Pact Signed in St. Louis
One Strike Settled: Two Suspended - Cincinnati settles, mayors intercede in Indianapolis and Baltimore
Honolulu Insures Its Contract - musicians help raise money
Note to a Maestro - poem on desire of string section to leave
ICSOM's Past Leadership - Zazofsky, Raffaelli, Denov
A Tale of Two Cities - Seattle musicians distribute
statement of support for Baltimore, Comissiona contributes fee

Volume 10, #6 - Summer 1972
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The Chairman's Message - Partnership for the Arts
Montreal to Host 1972 Conference
Conference Agenda
Book Reviews - "Bach, Beethoven and Bureaucracy,"
"Hollywood Studio Musicians"
Tax Sheltered Annuities

Volume 11, #1 - October 1972
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Message from Chairman Ralph Mendelson
Met Avoids Strike
ICSOM Holds Its Annual Conference
Canadian Arts Council Sets Pace for United States
Detroit Signs 40-Month Contract
Oregon Symphony Locked Out: Local 99 Files NLRB Suit
Strike Fund Report - disbursements to Cleveland, Dallas, Baltimore, Indianapolis, and Cincinnati musicians use up much of Strike Fund
Editor's Report
An "Age" Old Story - ICSOM Conference resolution against mandatory retirement clauses

Volume 11, #2 - December 1972
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You Can Beat City Hall - Rochester board overthrown, new board agrees to interim contract with musicians
Milwaukee Inks Two Year Contract
Indianapolis Signs After 25 Weeks Without a Contract
Oregon Symphony Reaches Settlement
Pittsburgh Signs in August
From the Editor's Desk - reply to article by Paul Hume entitled "Time off with Pay for Orchestra Musicians"
Philly Avoids Work Stoppage

Columbus Symphony Orchestra