2017 Conference Materials

Location: Buffalo

August 23-26, 2017

HTML Pages

2017 ICSOM Conference Hotel Chosen for Buffalo, New York


2017 ICSOM Chair Address
Address by ICSOM Chairperson Meredith Snow (LA Phil) to the 2017 ICSOM Conference in Buffalo NY
2017 ICSOM President Address
Address by ICSOM President George Brown (Utah Sym) to the 2017 ICSOM Conference in Buffalo NY
Updated Conference Agenda - August 14, 2017 (subject to change)
2017 National "Right-to-Work" Resolution
2017 AFM-EPF Resolution
2017 ICSOM Response to Charlottesville
2017 Online Conductor Evaluation Pilot Program Resolution
2017 ICSOM Resolution thanking George Brown
2017 ICSOM Resolution thanking Paul Gunther


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Orquesta Sinfonica de Puerto Rico