Grand Rapids MI, August 28, 2022
Paul Austin and Laura Ross have been re-elected to their positions of President and Secretary, respectively, of the International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians (ICSOM) at ICSOM’s annual conference, held August 24–27, 2022 in Grand Rapids, MI.
Austin, a horn player in the Grand Rapids Symphony, begins his third term, while Ross, a violinist in the Nashville Symphony Orchestra, has served as Secretary since 2002. “For 60 years, our organization has been a vital part of the cultural life of our society,” said Austin. “ICSOM brings together our nation’s best and brightest orchestral musicians in order to facilitate communication and improve our industry.”
Austin holds degrees from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and Tennessee Tech University. Having joined the Grand Rapids Symphony in 1999, Austin was instrumental in the drive for the GRS to join ICSOM in 2013, serving as their first delegate.
Ross holds two degrees from the University of Michigan and was a member of the Toledo Symphony prior to becoming a member of the Nashville Symphony in 1984. She also has served on the ICSOM Electronic Media Committee since 2000.
ICSOM’s Governing Board also has two re-elected members. Both Keith Carrick and Kenneth Thompkins were elected to serve a two-year term as Members-At-Large at this year’s conference.
Keith Carrick joined the Utah Symphony as Principal Percussionist in 2012. From 2007 to 2012, he was Principal Percussionist of the Sarasota Orchestra. He holds degrees from Boston University and the New England Conservatory.
Kenneth Thompkins, Principal Trombone of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO) since 1997, was a former participant in the DSO’s African American Fellowship Program and a mentor to several DSO Orchestra Fellows over the years. He serves as co-chair of ICSOM’s DEI Committee.
The International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians (ICSOM) represents nearly 4000 symphonic musicians in the top 53 orchestras in the United States and Puerto Rico. ICSOM's mission is to promote a better and more rewarding livelihood for the skilled orchestral performer and to enrich the cultural life of our society.
Please contact ICSOM Chair Meredith Snow at (818) 786-3776, or by writing
ICSOM President Paul Austin