ICSOM and Education
Education was the topic for a breakout session at last summer’s ICSOM Conference. The ICSOM Governing Board heard a clear mandate to address this topic further. In an effort to address the need for our colleagues to remain informed about education and how it impacts our institutions, Senza Sordino will continue to produce articles exploring various aspects of education in music and the arts, both in general and as it pertains to the lives of performing musicians.
Further, the Governing Board is exploring the possibility of forming an education committee. Such a committee would research and report on relevant education-related topics. The committee’s aim would be to pinpoint issues, to create recommendations, and to present an action plan to the Governing Board. While we know there are others, here are some potential topics of interest that impact arts education: arts funding, student orchestras (both public and private), the Sphinx Organization, public school arts enrollment, the NEA, grant opportunities, government lobbying, medical and sociological research, successful programs at home and abroad, the business of arts and education.
The Governing Board considers arts education in general, and music education in particular, to be crucial not only to our own futures as performing musicians but, perhaps even more importantly, to our future generations’ quality of life. While there is a wealth of information about arts education itself as well as a body of research that supports its importance, that information is not particularly well organized or easy to obtain.
Our entire ICSOM membership stands at a cultural crossroads, ironically struggling for dollars and concertgoers in a nation that is both wealthy and culturally knowledgeable. We are committed to doing what is in our power to further the cause of music education for artists and audience alike. We hope and believe that this can lead to successful orchestras in thriving communities, and to a richer nation.
If you would be interested in participating in this effort, or if you know someone in your orchestra who would be interested, please contact your ICSOM delegate or any ICSOM Governing Board member.